
A cake and a challenge with some orange zest

Baking cakes is not one of my favourite things to do, although I love love love eating them.But when it comes to an easy receipe, I have to try it.This orange and cocoa cake has become one of my favourites because it's super easy,it doesn't need eggs or butter,which is good(my mum says so and I always trust my mum) and finally all I have to do is stir everything with a spoon, so cleaning up the kitchen and utensils is not an issue.I forgot to mention that my dear husband doesn't like it very much so in the end the cake is all mine.Too many advantages to ignore.

So every now and then I play the good wife with a cake that's all mine.I am a bad person,I know,but who cares?

So everytime I bake or cook something,I take a picture and attach it to my receipe notebook.Just in case I forget how food looks(ha ha!).

I used the photo I took for this favourite treat to create a layout for MME challenge you'll find here.

Aren't those colors amazing?They are mostly from  Tangerine paper pad.

                             If you'd like to try it,don't hesitate to ask for the receipe.


MME sketch challenge for Pagemaps

On Friday night I made this layout for Pagemaps sketch contest.Ιn the photo it's my mum with my baby.You can find the sketch on MME blog and on Pagemaps link right above.
So this is it:

 Hope you like it 


The two of them

Last week I made a layout for Crate Paper's March challenge.I was featured as a favourite with this layout

Hope you like it.Thanks for stopping by.


The best day is not only one

I I believe there are lots of best days in our lives.

I f somenone had asked me a couple of years before about my best day,I would have said it was when IKEA opened in my hometown or when I recieved my first scrapbooking supplies ever!!!!
When my baby was born I thought that this was the one.THE BEST.But almost three months later I think that every new day is better that the previous.So now I have many many of them in a row(well maybe I am exaggerating a bit but I know you get the point).I am lucky.What can I say?

Nevertheless I had to choose one day for the OUAS April challenge,so I picked the day she was born.The first of many to cοme.

 Take care


Redo an old layout for Get creative

Να ξανακάνω ένα παλιό layout για το get creative.Μάλιστα.Δεν έχω και πολύ παλιά layout.Το πολύ να είναι περσινά.Δε χρειάστηκε να ψάξω και πολύ.Διάλεξα το πρώτο.Δεν είχα καν το blog ακόμα όταν το έφτιαξα.To αγαπώ ακόμα τόσο πολύ,όχι γιατί είναι το πρώτο αλλά γιατί ακόμα και τώρα μου αρέσει κι όταν το κοιτάζω μου φέρνει στο μυαλό το πόσο είχα ευχαριστηθεί όταν το τελείωσα.Ααααααχ!

Ο στόχος είναι να κρατήσουμε τις ίδιες ακριβώς φωτογραφίες και να ξαναφτιάξουμε τη σελίδα αλλάζοντας την,ή διατηρώντας κάποια στοιχεία αναλογα με το στυλ μας και το πως αυτό έχει εξελιχθεί.

Ωραία πρόκληση και μη σας πω ότι θα την ξανακάνω και τρίτη φορά μια και έχω προ ημερών ξαναλλάξει σημείο που κόβω τα χαρτουλάκια μου.Προσεχώς!

see you



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